Chipping Norton Indoor Bowls Club Season 2024/2025 – Chairman’s Message

We are soon to welcome back all indoor members to the club for a brand new season

The last season saw the mildest and wettest weather for many years, with very few evenings getting below freezing point. This encouraged many of our members to make the most of their membership and as a result our internal leagues and fixtures thrived. We finished the last season with 156 members and we hope most of those will join again for the season which officially opens with an open day and Bowls drive on Saturday, 28 September.

To prepare for this event and other indoor matters before the season starts, our indoor committee will meet on Thursday 5 September at 6.30 pm. I’m pleased to welcome Paul Killackey as our new League Organiser and will be seeking to confirm the league secretaries for each of the 8 internal leagues. Alas we still do not have a secretary or a fixture secretary for the coming season, so this may impact on the events that we can organise, going forward. If anyone feels they could take on this role, please let me know or just come to the meeting on 6 September.  In addition to Paul, Dave Freeman & Keith Field managing internal competitions and membership matters, respectively will make up our committee. In the early season we need to find volunteers to be monthly captains throughout the season. Some of you will know that I have been asked to accept the role of President for the Oxfordshire Indoor Bowling Association for the season, which is why I’m particularly pleased that Paul has taken on the League Organisers role, to free up more of my available time.

Many of the teams for our 8 internal leagues last season have confirmed their commitment to play in leagues again in the coming season and have indicated their squad players. We look forward to receiving further confirmations over the next few weeks so that we can print details in the handbook, which we want to be available for the start of the season. Leagues will commence during the second week in October. In addition to the internal leagues, we will be organising the North Oxon League, for outdoor players representing their outdoor clubs. These are all programmed to be played on Saturday mornings and players do not have to be CNBC members to compete. We also have the Wessex League and the Tens league at Oxford, so those wanting competitive games will enjoy themselves again. In addition a full programme of internal and external competitions will add variety in the formats played.

The membership arrangements will be changed this year and be made up of a £15 club membership fee, which will be valid for 12 months and an indoor season fee of £60. Whilst the £75 represents the same figure as last year, members wishing to play outside at CNBC will only need to pay the Outside season fee of £60 as the membership fee has already been taken.  We will continue to provide the opportunity to purchase tokens with discounts when people plan in advance. This also reduces the amount of cash we collect, as does the ability to make card payments for the bar.

Last year we finished fourth in the Wessex league, but I believe we might do better if some of our better bowlers make themselves available, more frequently.

I’m pleased to say, our new heating system was great last year, with no lost days due to defects.  I’m personally very pleased with the environmentally friendly, quiet operation of the heating, which appears to be significantly lower in cost, compared with the antiquated system that went before. I suspect next winter may be colder than recent years, but we will stay warm for our bowling activities.

The club have built a new website which will be simpler to use and contain more information. I will play my part in ensuring communications work well for indoor bowlers and the website will be current and relevant throughout the winter season.

On a personal note, I would be grateful if a couple of decent bowlers would like to play with me in the Monday evening pairs league, as my past team mates have deserted me!

Early television programmes in the evenings appear to be continuing with repetitive news round-ups, soap operas and old repeats, so why not enter one of the three evening leagues on Monday, Tuesday or Friday evenings to put the smiles back on your faces. Whilst numbers dwindle for the men’s leagues in the evenings, I’m sure ladies would be welcomed to provide more competition if they wanted to join (my opinion, but not discussed at a meeting yet !)

Please keep your eye on the club website for current news and information. The members area internet password is displayed on your membership card issued at the time of paying your subscription.

Have a great season.

John Hurren

Chairman of the Indoor section