Transition from outdoors to indoors.

At our last committee meeting we wanted to make sure all members knew about what’s happening and what’s needed to make your transition from outdoors to indoors as smooth as possible, so here’s a few little updates for you, plus we welcome back our friends from the outside clubs who need to know what is happening.

It’s a scientifically proven fact that people ‘glaze’ over when reading long emails so I’ve tried to keep each topic short and sweet, just remember the last little fun fact could be one that relates to you so stick with it!

Indoor leagues

Paul Killackey is the new league secretary, he’s already making his mark. Firstly leagues will start on TUESDAY 1st OCTOBER, he’s also done a bit of juggling with the fixtures so as all leagues finish roughly around the same time. Now here’s some exciting news, you will see on the fixture card that some of the leagues have club comp days instead of a group of fixtures, ‘what are these I can hear you excitedly asking?  well watch the board for details, but they will be one of two hours comps open to all, not just those that bowl on those days but anyone, to inject a bit of fun and competition into proceedings. It’s a new idea so lets support it, you might even meet people you didn’t know existed!


We need a new fixture secretary, but here’s the good news this seasons fixtures are already done, and for those of you with a little bit of spare time, it’s the ideal job, it’s self perpetuating and doesn’t take too long, if you are thinking about helping the club, speak to me, John Hurren or any of the other committee members we’ll buy you a beer/wine and tell you what a great job it is and a chance to contribute.

Oxfordshire ladies matches

Some of you may know, that we have the Oxfordshire ladies Bowls indoor secretary lurking amongst us, Ann was keen to point out that there has been a surge in participation from the ladies and that on account of this they have entered an inter county competition for the first time in a long time and is hoping that lady bowlers from chippy will put their names forward. editors note….  we have some fantastic lady bowlers who probably don’t actually realise how good they are, so get your name down and elevate your game to the next level.


A nice short one this! check the notice board for opportunities to lock or unlock the club there are still a few spaces available. don’t be shy!

Indoor Competitions 

Can anyone knock Shep off his perch?  Letter will be out soon detailing the entries available to you, the Rinks and Triples will this year be played with handicaps applied and on set days (Wednesday evenings), watch the board for details. throw your hat in the ring you never know. entries will close on Sunday 27th October, and we need a minimum of 8 people entered in a comp for it to run. 

Rink fees

Although our costs are increasing, the rink fee remains at £3 per 2 hour session, don’t forget if you buy those green tokens you can save yourself even more.


Monthly captains need to be appointed, ‘what does that mean I can hear you asking?’  well you don’t even have to play, just sort out the picking of the team and making sure all is ship shape for a match day and Bobs your uncle, when I last checked and I think we only need about 3 months covering so don’t be shy.


Well technically the term is vacuuming, our carpet needs looking after volunteers for vacuuming are welcome check the board for details. Once a month should do it.

Committee members

Our committee is shrinking, soon things won’t get done as everyone will get fed up with doing things with little or no extra help, one day you’ll turn up an something won’t have been done, good luck with moaning about it as I suggest a few sympathy taps will be off! this is your chance to make a small difference. If you just need some encouragement to see how you can help have a chat with any of the committee members and we’ll convince you it’s a fantastic opportunity to make a difference.  


You’ve reached the end, well nearly! Percy is the Wessex Captain first game is October 6th, and don’t forget membership fees are due now (please be prompt Keith has about 160 to deal with you only have one, so let’s make his job easier rather than start having to chase people)


Dave Freeman